Monday, November 6, 2017

2B Mindset Weight-Loss Program

My company has FINALLY developed a program called 2B Mindset, which is a weight-loss program that focuses on emotional eating.  It is a program that focuses first on the “Why” not the how,  and focuses on those triggers.  It’s like #ESM and health and mindset collided in a HUGE beautiful way.  Remember me chatting about the elimination plan?  Man alive me and my fellow recovering yo-yo dieters, there is a solution. No counting, No containers, No awkward weigh ins.  And it’s a solution created by someone who has been there. A nutritionist with a 100 pound weight loss. A woman who gets it. I dig that.  The other great thing about this program is that it will be a tool in the toolbox of my already popular elimination experience. This is where I support my clients in their weight loss journey by focusing on mindset and not the number on the scale.